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Userlike integration with Pipeline CRM

Pipeline CRM integrates with Userlike. Don’t leave them hanging!

Be there when they need you most

With live chat and offline functionality, Userlike support for web, mobile, and messaging turns Pipeline CRM into an interactive customer engagement platform. Easily identify users; engage prospects; support established clients; and communicate with partners at any time.
Live chat in real time
Create an “in-store” feeling and nurture all your client relationships by being accessible, day and night. Accept communication through multiple platforms, such as your website and Facebook page.
Monitor metrics
Gather all the data. Track website visitors, document chat transcripts, and review customer service performance metrics with Google Analytics to refine decision-making.
Manage efficiently
Decrease time wasted on helpdesk calls and emails. Support multiple users. Funnel chats to the right people via an intuitive interface. Collect all leads and contact info to promote sales conversion.