AI Email Assistant

We’re so excited to introduce Pipeline’s AI Email Assistant, powered by OpenAI, the technology behind ChatGPT. Now, you’re one click away from better emails instantly!


No credit card required.

AI Email Assistant
Pipeline CRM - AI Email Generation

Rocket Your Email Writing with AI

Spend less time on emails and more time closing deals.

Save time

Leverage AI-generated content to reduce time spent crafting personalized emails. You and your team can to focus on prospecting and closing deals!

Boost productivity

Develop fast and articulate replies to leads. Craft more engaging marketing emails in seconds.

Available to everyone

All users on all plans enjoy access.

Write and Re-write
with a Single Click

Easy to use. Click to generate, rewrite and approve emails instantly.

Make updates in seconds. Simply highlight text and select commands like “more engaging“ “rephrase” “lengthen” or “shorten.”

Tailor with custom prompts. Provide specific guidance to the AI engine to ensure personalized messaging while maintaining control over your content.

Your data is safe. Your data’s security is our priority. Robust measures protect your customer information, ensuring sensitive data remains secure and compliant.

AI Email Assistant rewrite

Allow your sales team to focus on their most valuable tasks

For everyone

All level of all users have access. Plans have prompt limits per user, per month:

  • Grow: 100 prompts user/month
  • Develop: 50 prompts user/month
  • Start 25 prompts user/month

Use it anywhere

Use AI Email Assistant anywhere the Email Editor is used:

  • Email inbox

  • Bulk email

  • Email campaigns

  • Email templates

Want More Prompts?

We’re excited to offer an API integration for unrestricted access (no prompt limits!). Check out our support article for buying and using a ChatGPT API key.