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Zapier integration with
Pipeline CRM

Pipeline CRM integrates with Zapier. Connect Pipeline CRM to hundreds of different apps, including WuFoo, LinkedIn, and Xero.

Make your sales activity even more effective

Zapier gives you the ability to extend what you can do with Pipeline by providing ease of integration with all your favorite apps. All you need is your Pipeline API key and a FREE Zapier account. When combined with our CRM software, Zapier keeps your workflow fast, consistent, and reliable.
No coding required
Connect essential applications with no need to code. Pipeline admins allow access to your API key, which is all you need to connect – or set up a “Zap” – with other apps.
Automated tasks
Trigger your Pipeline account to send or receive data from your favorite apps when you set up a “Zap”. It’s easy to set up, and automates your workflow.
Hundreds of apps
Keep all the apps you love, and use Zapier to help them “communicate” with one another. Now, you can connect your Pipeline account with hundreds of apps – from social media accounts to accounting software.