Spend more time with prospects that matter. Enhance Pipeline’s sales automation and focus your sales efforts.
FunnelFLARE integration with Pipeline CRM
Pipeline CRM integrates with FunnelFLARE. Enhance your Pipeline sales processes and get rid of tedious tasks that slow you down! You can extend your Pipeline CRM with more sales enablement and automation from FunnelFLARE.
Extend your Pipeline CRM with more sales enablement and automation from FunnelFLARE. Use Pipeline to control FunnelFLARE automation, including Includes bi-directional contact sync. Push new contacts, activities, tasks, and custom field changes to Pipeline.
Get prospect insights
Receive browser notifications when your prospect is on your website. Get automated behavior insight calculations and automatically time email sends based on prospect behaviors. See full history of everything your prospect does right in Pipeline.
Easily schedule appointments
FunnelFLARE’s appointment scheduler integrates seamlessly with your calendar. Automatically send SMS and email reminders for your prospect appointments. Maintain full control over your appointment scheduling landing pages and forms.