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New to Pipeline CRM? We’ve got you covered! We offer free data migration and a smooth onboarding process.
Power up your Pipeline CRM account and boost your sales with Pipeline CRM Premium Account Setup.
“I have Pipeline CRM on my screen all day long,” says Shuttleworth. “When our guys in the field call me, I can give them answers instantly. What’s the access code for this lockbox? What’s the number for that plumber we worked with last year? When is the carpet going to be delivered? There it is!”
Shuttleworth also appreciates the way Pipeline CRM Tasks help her team stay on top of business priorities. “Every morning, I start with a quick look at my dashboard, to see the big picture of where all our deals are by stage. Then I follow up with people to resolve overdue tasks before moving on to what’s due today.”
This is especially valuable when it comes to moving the new businesses forward. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day operations, but Pipeline CRM provides a critical push to follow up on bids that have been submitted and stay on top of long-term client relationships. “We’re really happy with Pipeline CRM. We’ve recommended it to friends and other contractors. It’s our daily pulse.”
It is our team’s goal to ensure Pipeline CRM is running the way you need it to. We want to ensure your team has all of the training necessary to thrive. We can plan and schedule more sessions as necessary.