customer story

Webfoot Painting averages 35 percent growth year over year with Pipeline CRM

Pipeline CRM has helped Webfoot Painting sustain 35% year over year growth on its journey to become one of Central Oregon’s premier painting and construction firms.
Webfoot Painting​
Painting & Construction Industry
Bend, OR

The Moment

As a rapidly growing painting and construction company, Webfoot Painting needed a sales software that could keep pace with its expansion. The company was founded by Gavin Hepp and Travis Ulrich back in 2003 as a way to provide financial assistance while studying at the University of Oregon. Initially only running the business during the summertime, they eventually decided to develop the company into a full-time, large-scale operation.

From those humble beginnings, Webfoot Painting has grown to become one of Central Oregon’s premier contractors in painting and construction. “I think it doesn’t matter what you do in life, just be the absolute best at it. And that’s what we aspire to do. Now we have about 100 employees. We’ve grown a lot since the first days,” says Gavin Hepp. With such a successful and quickly evolving venture on their hands, it was crucial that they found a customer relationship management (CRM) software that could work with them and for them as they grew.

The Search

In its early days, Webfoot Painting was using a desktop version of Act! to deal with its sales data. They’d figured out that they needed a CRM system fairly early on but did not really know much more than that. Unsure what other solutions were available, the company decided to go with Act! as it was the standard CRM being used at the time. However, the company found that the software did not meet its requirements and was difficult to use. “It was very cumbersome, is how I’d describe it,” explains Gavin. “It was just terrible, looking back at it.”

As the firm became smarter in every sense – switching to smartphones and cloud software – they began looking for a CRM solution that could follow suit. They realized that their system at the time had too many superfluous aspects to it and that it was bogging their users down. That’s when Pipeline CRM stepped into the picture. “All I need is to have this done really, really well,” Gavin explains his thinking at the time. “This is what we’re doing, these are all the functions that we need. And Pipeline CRM did a really good job. It was a seamless process.”

I think it doesn’t matter what you do in life, just be the absolute best at it. And that’s what we aspire to do.
Gavin Hepp, Owner of Webfoot Painting

The Solution

Webfoot Painting signed up to Pipeline CRM in 2011 and haven’t looked back since. The nature of the business is seasonal with very high demand in the summertime and a drop-off during the winter months. Pipeline CRM helps to manage the fluctuation and to monitor how it averages out across the sales year. The company’s average close rate is around the 45% mark but this is significantly higher during the winter months when it rises to 55-60%. This, explains Gavin, is because while they’re fully booked throughout the summer, they have more availability during the winter.

Off-season, with more time available, Webfoot Painting turns its attention to prospecting and business development. Pipeline CRM aids this process by collating and storing high-quality data that is invaluable to sales teams. “Definitely all our stats come from Pipeline CRM,” says Gavin. “That’s because we put everything in there, religiously, so sources are tracked very accurately. Even leads that come in that don’t go anywhere still have deals associated with them. So we just have very good data.”

Caleb Trowbridge, Sales Estimator for Webfoot Painting, loves the reporting features that Pipeline CRM offers. “Pipeline CRM works because it helps keep my brain straight, from having access to the sales reports that I build myself or searching for prospects when we’ve got a gap in our paint schedules,” he says. “With Pipeline CRM I can dig into my sales pipeline, sort by the projects that make sense, call those people and rock & roll.” The custom fields feature is a hit with Caleb too. “We’ve maxed out our custom deals field! We zap everything over using those custom fields. I use about 5 or 10 of those.”

webfoot painting team
All our stats come from Pipeline CRM. Even leads that come in that don’t go anywhere still have deals associated with them. We just have very good data.
Gavin Hepp, Owner of Webfoot Painting

The Result

Fast closing in on a decade of collaboration, Pipeline CRM is now an integrated part of the Webfoot Painting structure. “All of our systems rely on Pipeline CRM,” Gavin admits. “Reception fills in the deal information, estimators update the deal information, that information’s getting zapped to our project scheduling software, then it comes back and gets updated at the end of the project.”

Adopting Pipeline CRM fairly early on has given them a huge advantage as they’ve grown and progressed. “We’ve been able to kind of implement some of those best practices as we grow rather than trying to recreate wheels. We’ve just been able to implement, implement, implement which is really where our strengths lie.” The results speak for themselves – the firm has continued to average 35% growth year over year now during their time using Pipeline CRM.

While firms are often apprehensive about switching to or from an existing CRM, Webfoot Painting found the whole process to be a flawless experience. “We’ve found it to be very easy to implement,” Gavin confirms. “All of our estimators and staff quickly pick it up. What I really like about Pipeline CRM is that we can use it in the fashion that we need.”

All in all, choosing Pipeline CRM to handle its end-to-end sales processes has created a harmonious marriage that doesn’t look set to end anytime soon. As Gavin Hepp says: “Pipeline CRM has become an integral part of our business. I can’t imagine what we’d be like without it.”

Pipeline CRM has become an integral part of our business. I can’t imagine what we’d be like without it.
Gavin Hepp, Owner of Webfoot Painting