customer story

How Carolina Thomas accelerates market share growth by quantifying value with Pipeline CRM

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Carolina Thomas is a bus sales and service company based in Greensboro, NC with customers throughout North and South Carolina. In a highly competitive, bid-driven business, Pipeline CRM helps them deliver and communicate superior value to customers.
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Carolina Thomas
Automotive Industry
Greensboro, NC

Data as a Competitive Advantage

Carolina Thomas engages with customers primarily through mobile teams that travel to customer locations. They use Pipeline CRM to track not just sales calls, but every service call, parts visit, and training session.


“It boils down to the ability to inform our customers about what we do with accuracy,” says Schaaf. “Our success is based on outworking our competition in every way. Pipeline CRM gives us visibility to see what we’re doing and remind our customers in very concrete terms.”


Schaaf also uses Pipeline CRM data to drive continuous improvement. “The first thing I do between 6:15 and 6:30 every morning is go into my starred lists and look for things that are happening where I can provide impetus to get a deal across the finish line or pat someone on the back.”

Easy to Use, Easy to Adopt

“We’ve had a 100% increase in trackability,” says Stoudt. “We weren’t able to track anything before. Now we track every aspect of our performance. What’s working and what’s not working. Who’s working and who’s not working.”

Carolina Thomas engages with customers primarily through mobile teams that travel to customer locations. They use Pipeline CRM to track not just sales calls, but every service call, parts visit, and training session.


“It boils down to the ability to inform our customers about what we do with accuracy,” says Schaaf. “Our success is based on outworking our competition in every way. Pipeline CRM gives us visibility to see what we’re doing and remind our customers in very concrete terms.”


Schaaf also uses Pipeline CRM data to drive continuous improvement. “The first thing I do between 6:15 and 6:30 every morning is go into my starred lists and look for things that are happening where I can provide impetus to get a deal across the finish line or pat someone on the back.”

With Pipeline CRM, StockPKG always knows exactly how much business is in their pipeline, how many deals are on each account, and which deadlines and milestones they need to hit. Managers also use it to track and improve individual sales rep productivity.
“Because of Pipeline CRM, we now know that our reps average 80 calls during a workday, roughly 10 an hour,” says Stoudt. “I’ve heard our managers at 10:30 saying, ‘you’ve only done 5 calls. What’s going on?’ Between that ability to stay on top of everyone’s activity and the efficiency of having everything we need in one application, Pipeline CRM has increased our overall productivity by at least 25-30%”
Frequent engagement with our customers has allowed us to move from 65% market share to 81% market share in the past year. With Pipeline CRM, we can show customers exactly what we’re doing for them. That’s huge for us. ​
Tom Schaaf, Vice President and General Manager

Improved Response Time

Because they use Pipeline CRM to manage their entire business, not just their sales pipeline, Carolina Thomas enjoys exceptional efficiency benefits.


“If one of our folks is on the road and runs into someone that has a problem, they can make a note in Pipeline CRM and tag the proper department immediately. Things that used to take 1-2 days to get everyone on the same page can now be put into action within 20 minutes.”


Pipeline CRM also enables faster and more effective collaboration around feedback from customers. For example, third party customer surveys can be immediately uploaded, shared, and discussed with relevant team members.


“I’m always telling my people that no matter what you do here, you are a sales representative for this company,” says Schaaf. “Pipeline CRM helps us keep getting better.”